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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 29 March 2021

Cinebook Ltd Newsletter 159 - March 2021

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Dear Reader,

This month, we offer two endings and one beginning.

The first series to conclude is Authorised Happiness, with a third volume that will bring all the short stories of the previous books together in one long, frightening tale of revolution and manipulation. Jean Van Hamme’s imagination is terrifyingly effective, as always …

Next up, The Regiment brings us to 1943, and the end of the SAS’s genesis. David Stirling and Paddy Mayne’s efforts to turn their unit into an effective fighting force have been successful, despite the hardships and the losses, but it’s a long war, and there’s one last sacrifice on the horizon before the gang of misfits can earn their name at last.

Finally, please welcome new series Lonesome, a Western with paranormal overtones set in Kansas just before the Civil War. A lone rider, skilled with a gun and gifted with strange mental powers … A fiery preacher with a taste for violence … A corrupt official … And behind it all, the powerful interests, both political and economic, that are about to plunge the United States into a bloody war …

March with Cinebook – the end … and the beginning!

In April, the latest Lucky Luke by Matthieu Bonhomme – Wanted: Lucky Luke – comes out in French … and also in English! Digital format first for us, with a paper version to come later. If you’ve ever wondered what a Lucky Luke adventure would be like in a more realistic style, Bonhomme’s approach is exactly what you need! Preorder already available from Izneo!

Authorised Happiness 3
Griffo & Van Hamme

Superintendent Carelli is getting old, and has already lost most of his illusions. But a routine case catapults him into the middle of a profound mystery: a young girl with no official existence gives him a photograph of a group of people … who don’t exist either!… ... Read more

Lonesome 1
Yves Swolfs
The Preacher’s Trail

Kansas, 1861. As tensions rise between the Northern and Southern states, a fanatical, violent preacher leaves a trail of corpses behind him, all the while calling people to take up arms against pro-slavery states. Close on his tail is a lone rider with a strange gift .. Read more

The Regiment
Legrain & Burgeas
The True Story of the SAS 3

Despite the heroic efforts of L Detachment, the unit’s victories haven’t managed to stop the advance of the German war machine. Soon, Rommel is at the gates of Egypt, and losses mount among David Stirling and Paddy Mayne’s men – some crueller than others... Read more

Human Stock Exchange 2

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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