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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Face Book, Black Tower Comics & Books and Why It Ain't Happening!

 I was asked about the BTC&B Face Book page. This is what I posted there just now but if it is not taken down by FB at some point I'll be surprised.

Face Book has failed to respond to any communivcations since blocking me posting news items about MY books on MY business page last September. It consistently blocks private posts as well as responses I post to people.

It means that a FB business page is pointless -and I am not the only one this has happened to.

Apparently anything to do with my books and business are "Spam" and now this:

"Orders and Messages Insights Unavailable
Due to new privacy rules in Europe, the reporting of messaging-related insights are unavailable right now. Businesses may see impact to reporting on message and order data. Affected metrics will show a '-' in place of affected data from Europe."

Basically FB business pages are useless unless you are in the United States because there your private information and data can be freely spied on and used whereas that is illegal in Europe and elsewhere.

PLEASE visit the Black Tower Comics and Books blog because it is pointless updating this page...because I cannot.

Unless FB censor my blog link it will follow this post. If you do not see tjhe link it is blocked."

What this all means is that people from the United States who jhave visited the FB page are not having their messages showing up in notiofications. It means that, therefore, I cannot respond to them. Items posted can be deleted by FB after a couple of hours so I just left the page.

Face Book refuses to respond to messages on Twitter or via its own page where the post is quickly deleted. This can happen to you if you pay for FB to promote your page. In fact, it has been proven by many people, myself included, that FB 'promoting' your page achieves nothing. In fact 45% of page owners have found that views drop when FB does its 'promo' which has never made sense and FB tends to ignore those who complain. Face Book is, after all, not a "social media" but spying on personal information, advertising money making business.

Therefore I do not use it for anything comic related or business wise now.

Any news and information pertaining to Black Tower Comics and Books appears either here or on Comicbitsonline.

That is the situation. Created by Face Book and not me.

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