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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 4 April 2021

It's Easter So Let Science And Fact Blow Your ******* Mind!!

 Yes, fully referenced and illustrated goodies from books to magazines and some contain rare and 'lost' images.

Sea creatures from serpents to giant sharks and giant things killing sharks! Ghosts, poltergeists. Spring-Heeled Jack, strange creatures on land and in the sea. 

And let's not forget the aliens. Are there any aliens visiting us? Let's just say that the books dealiong with alien encounters impressed a certain official UFO agency in the United States who seem about to disclose a lot of stuff. Why were they impressed? Buy the book(s) and find out.

Seriously, if you have ever wondered "what if--?" then one thing is guaranteed (because in these only referenced facts are given) if you read any of these....

It may just blow your ****** mind!!!

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