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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 7 April 2021

If You Like British Comic, Penny Dreadful or Boys Papers History....

 If any of tonights quick posts has you interested in the men and women who influenced later comic book artists then you might find Comic Bits 1 and 2 of  interest...

Each issue has 80 pages looking at British comics, creators as well as Boys Papers and Penny Dreadfuls and they are both crammed full of some very rare art and much more information than any online post!

Text, comic strips and some rare photographs!

The return of THE British Golden Age of Comics magazine! 

Interviews with 

Mike Western, 
John Cooper 
 Jon Haward 
plus a look at Ally Sloper on film, Defining the Ages of British Comics, William McCail plus a lot of art and stripwork. At this price -cheap!

Ed T Hooper-Scharf
80 pp

The second issue of the magazine celebrating creators, titles and characters of the British Platinum, Golden and Silver Ages of comics. 

In this issue William A. Ward finally gets some long deserved recognition for his contribution to comics John McCail gets "bigged up" something rotten!

 We look at comedian and actor Bob Monkhouse's comic creation career 

Steve Dowling -Father of the Garth newspaper strip speaks to Denis Gifford (the ONLY interview he ever gave) 

There is a look at Dennis M. Reader and his comics work that spawned some of the UKs first super heroes. 

also a look at William Fletcher Thomas, Ernest Wilkinson, Jos Walker, Mary Byfield and William H A Chasemore... oh, and LOTS of lovely art and stripwork!

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