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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 26 April 2021

Mr Dilworth

 Package received!

D. H. Wilberton and Jo Long do good work can't wait to publish that!


  1. Great ! The PO said it would take much longer with many airplane flights cut. So that's good. Also Mr. Slavin's package should arrive soon as I sent them off at the same time. Got another package almost ready to send off... I think you'll like it ! TTFN

  2. Just started, trying, to do some comic art but health things. I want to complete some things before I even consider more new books because if 179 books are selling slower than a dead snail can run a half mile marathon... But the package arrived in fine condition and I'll read more when my eyes are finished working on art. Did like the Marty stuff. At the moment I am totally re-thinking the design of covers...while totally re-writing British wildlife history (npot kidding).
