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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 7 April 2021

M ary Byfield Penny Dreadful artist

Active during the first half of the 19th century. Engraver (wood). Mary Byfield was the sister of John Byfield and, like him, an engraver. She designed illustrations for works published by the Chiswick Press.


  1. beautiful work, isn't it? I love the old stuff. It all has a character of its own, not like todays generic pap... ah well. Still fighting with the PO. Let you know. TTFN

  2. She and her two brothers were quite the artists. It's interesting that early female creators -like Marie Duval and Mary Byfield are 99% unknown amongst modern comic people. I could not, obviously, display any of Mary's more graphic pieces though those are in Comic Bits.
