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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 31 January 2023

Carlos Pachecco


I've been so busy working on other things I never knew one of my all time favourite artist, Carlos Pachecco had died at 60.

Not one of my comic friends who knew I was a fan even mentioned it!!

RIP Carlos


On April 14, 2022, Pacheco revealed on Twitter that he would be taking a sabbatical from his work, due to paralysis in his right leg that began the previous September, due to compression of nerves from the L5 vertebrae to his legs, and would undergo surgery and a rehabilitation period of 8 – 12 months. Pacheco explained that this was the reason why he was unable to complete his Fantastic Four assignment.[28][29] That June, Pacheco's collaborator on Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines, Kurt Busiek stated in the final issue of that miniseries that its follow-up, Arrowsmith: Beyond Borders, would be delayed due both to his own persistent migraine problems, and Pacheco's paralysis, which he revealed was the result of a small, difficult-to-detect spinal fracture.[30] In September 2022, Pacheco announced on his Facebook page that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.[4]
Pacheco died at La Línea Hospital in La Línea de la Concepción, on 9 November 2022,[2][12] at around 7.30pm CET, at the age of 60

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