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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 13 January 2023



Authors: René Goscinny, Vicq, Dom Domi, Lodewijk, De Groot, illustrated by Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: July 2022

£7.99 incl. VAT

ISBN: 9781800440678

The Old West was full of itchy trigger fingers, but also had its share of hemp necktie enthusiasts. Lucky Luke is not a fan of such summary justice, and when he interrupts an improvised hanging with no less than three ropes for a single man, he runs afoul of an unpleasant individual with a knack for manipulating bored and drunk crowds … 

Seven short stories by Goscinny and his friends and illustrated by Morris himself – pure Lucky Luke concentrate!

When the story title reads "The Dalton's Take The Train" you half expect them to actually steal a train. They are not the smartest folk in the old West. Just so you know -spoiler- they DO NOT steal a train (can't really fit one in a saddle bag).

Now we are all used to the full length Lucky Luke stories so how do these shorter ones compare? Actually, I thought they might just be "fillers" put together in one book but they are far from that.

I had to laugh at this volume's title as it was the last of the Cinebooks to review so only saw it after watching the great Steve Forest in the 1974 TV Western The Hanged Man (how they never made that into a TV series I have no idea. No, I will not let it go!).

Oh. Right. Cinebook and Lucky Luke. Would these stories still be published as new ones today? There are the "Injuns" and then there is "Lee Chee's story" -they are comedy caricatures and still funny as they were meant to be. Hey-we even have The Camel's Mine so if any of these are going to give you a woke attack or trigger your sensitive little selves: don't read.

The artwork by Morris is wonderful as ever and the scripts by VicQ, Goscinny, Dom Domi, Lodewijk and De Groot are pure fun and you can even read one each day if you want to. See how Cinebook has thought this out for you?

As always -recommended

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