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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 30 January 2023

Cinebook Ltd Newsletter 181- January 2023


Dear Reader,

Welcome to 2023! Here’s to hoping it turns out to be a good one, as years go. At any rate, we intend to do our small part by providing your usual dose of high-quality, French- and Belgian-made comic entertainment for all ages!

Granted, we’re starting with a somewhat war-like January, but it’s a coincidence, we swear. Plus no one is glorifying anything here. Case in point: the third and final chapter of Berezina concludes the absolutely horrific story of Napoleon’s failed invasion of Russia, and it pulls no punches whatsoever. No light reading, this, but perhaps essential reading …

Much lighter in tone is the new volume of The Bluecoats, where Sergeant Chesterfield learns how fiercely loyal our animal companions can be sometimes. A surprising discovery to someone who’s familiar with Blutch’s horse and her duty-shirking shenanigans, but it takes all sorts, even in the animal kingdom!

Finally, Lonesome sees its still-nameless hero leave the wilds of Kansas for the pitfalls of civilisation, as he travels to New York City in search of the powerful men who appear to be manipulating the United States into a civil war. Answers will be provided, secrets revealed … and new, terrifying questions will be asked …

January with Cinebook: ready, take aim … read!

Gil & Richaud and Rambaud
Book 3 of 3

The terrible Russian winter has engulfed the retreat, and the Grande Armée is no more. Mercilessly harassed by the fierce Cossacks, a few thousand men only continue to trudge forward, weak, starving, emaciated, leaving a trail of frozen dead behind … Read more

The Bluecoats 16
Lambil & Cauvin

A quiet day in the Union Army … Soldiers are resting, Blutch and Chesterfield are arguing, and the generals are plotting strategy. Things change suddenly with the arrival of a new regiment, sent as reinforcements to counter the imminent arrival of the Confederates … Read more

Lonesome 3
Yves Swolfs
The Ties of Blood

Markham, the murderous preacher, is dead at last. And yet, for the lone rider who tracked and killed him, the hunt goes on. Now he must find who was behind the preacher’s campaign of terror. He has a name – Senator Dawson of New York. But getting to his quarry won’t be easy … Read more

Cossacks 1
The Winged Hussar

Valerian and Laureline by …
Where Stories Are Born

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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