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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 10 January 2023



Author: Franquin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: June 2022


 ISBN: 9781800440661

While on an expedition in Antarctica, the Count of Champignac makes an extraordinary discovery: a still-viable dinosaur egg! Having brought the precious find back to his castle, he invites a few colleagues over – along with Spirou and Fantasio – and sets about hatching the egg. But working towards scientific progress isn’t easy when one is somewhat absent-minded … and saddled with a whimsical Marsupilami ‘assistant’! Soon, life in the village of Champignac becomes rather complicated … 

Well, it seems that you just cannot keep Marsupilami off CBO! 😁

I see Spirou and Fantasio as the comic version of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby in those old "Road" movies (maybe I am showing my age there) and Marsupilami is the Dorothy That's not right, is it?

Hmm. The duo have so far had some pretty way out adventures so can you expect anything less in this volume? Of course not.  There is a second shorter story in this on, Fear On The Line, so double fun. One thing I liked was the "disclaimer" on the title page that this was written in 1960 when general knowledge about dinosaurs was not what it is today!  Well, so long as we get that out there.

This is just fun and I can't think of any other way of describing the story and the art. It's 60+ pages of fun and action that is not so dreadfully serious and, perhaps, the next Jurassic Park movie can take a few hints from this. A polka-dotted 'brontosaurus' with scales so hard that the scientists can use an ice-pick to take samples without hurting it! In the meantime the dino is slowly munching through trees!

Tank fire has no effect! Air to surface missiles have no effect. Don't worry -Marsupilami is on hand. Not sure about the final solution on how to keep the dinosaur safe, out of the way of trouble is that logical but then -they hatched a dino egg and the darn thing grew to gigantic proportions overnight (and had polka-dots) so...

Where's the logic in fun?

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