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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 14 January 2023

"How About one big Crisis comic featuring all the obscure British characters?"

 I was actually positive that I had answered this question but when one of the people who asked ...well, they wondered why I never responded.

I must be getting old. The question was why do I not do a one off "crisis" comic featuring all of the old obscure British super heroes? See post here:

The first big hurdle is that they are all other peoples characters so you cannot just use them. Lee Davis, A. O. Potter and others have faded into comics twilight and I certainly have not been able to contact any of them.

Chris Morgan of CM Comics... ditto.

It is a nice idea for one "Big Hurrah!" but there are so many problems involved it just ain't worth the effort, especially since fewer people have an interest in comics these days.

Anyone know what happened to Lee Davis?

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