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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 5 January 2023


Author: Wilbur & Didier Conrad

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: April 2022

 ISBN: 9781800440159

£7.99 incl. VAT

Bombay, 1831. Freshly arrived from London, Alexander Martin reports to his new boss at the Indian Political Service – a government agency whose function is little more than helping the East India Company expand its grasp upon the Indian subcontinent. The enthusiastic, somewhat idealistic young man soon begins displeasing the British establishment, and is shunned by Bombay’s polite society … until several of its members begin disappearing, forcing Alexander to investigate …

Author: Wilbur & Didier Conrad

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: May 2022

 ISBN: 9781800440166

£7.99 incl. VAT

Three missing, one dead … When English lords drop like flies, the Empire is unhappy. Alexander Martin, the brave but prickly Ayesha and the considerably less brave Warren Longfellow continue their investigation, but it soon becomes clear that there are some in Bombay who have no interest in seeing old stories resurface. Can the unlikely trio navigate the obstacles that keep springing up in their path in time to save the next target – Warren’s uncle?

The colour work here by Julien Lols really adds a great deal to Conrad's art and the art is a style that the European creators excel at. It has a cartoony look to it yet when you check the detail in the panels you find it is not so simple The style -variations due to the various creators styles of course- has been used for science fiction, horror and crime stories. 

Here the style is used for a historical murder, action, mystery and the characterisations are wonderful and the various plot twists and reveals mean that you get two books (it's a two volume series) that you can read more than once and look at the artwork from cover to cover more than 4-5 times (not that this is an admission, okay?). 

Since the outset Cinebook have excelled in selecting this type of series -anyone remember Green Manor? So long ago now it was before we moved here from WordPress -

I would recommend the set for the story and artwork which are all historically correct so that please me but the adventure and actionare superb.

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