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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Read These Books -They Will Make You A Goiddam Intellectual Tyranosaurus!

As a kind of "thank you" to someone in the United States I sent a copy of Some Things Strange & Sinister, Some MORE Things Strange & Sinister and Pursing The Strange & Weird -A Naturalist's Viewpoint.  
 Pursuing The Strange & Weird:A Naturalists Viewpoint
Now this particular person is not your average reader of this type of book.  And he's smart.  So I expected a few polite "Yeah. Very uh, 'good' "comments.  Instead I got this:

"The books arrived yesterday.  You have done a remarkable piece of work - such an enormous number of case-works.  The books are thick with strange stories.  These books should be on books shelves everywhere.  They are very elegant looking.  I started reading one last night and had t give it up because it was past my bedtime.  I will continue with that one tonight."

I blush.

So, those who have read these books love them.  high praise from Finland, United States and UK.  But who buys them?  

 Lots of comments about the catchy cover designs and asking who did the designing?  ME.  BTCG is a one man operation.

And no publisher or agent seems interested.   

Seems that if people see and read my books they really like them -prose or the comic albums. I just need buyers!

I've lost track where I was going with this!

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