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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 9 January 2021

Are You Telling Me That NO ONE (Indie or Small Press) Is Producing Their Own Super Hero Comics??


Originally posted on the 10th January, 2021

I was looking over some of the material I had for mega posts -mainly on obscure British super heroes/masked crime fighters/ adventurers. 

Lack of any interest stopped that project.

However, it reminded me that many months ago I made another attempt at asking British (anyone really not just UK) comickers who have created their own characters or comics -Small Press or Indie to get in touch -send a copy of your comic in and get it reviewed and include website details.

Offer is still there...unless working in obscurity pays your bills or is just your groove.


Nothing. Not a word. Why is it people do not want to publicise their books? Even if you are just doing a comic for fun it deserves to be at least included in a post so that people know it existed. Most of the books I have mentioned in the obscure super hero posts had no online presence before I posted about them. That is sad,

So, come on. Get in touch!


  1. I can do that... giss a job! PO new year problems over. Package on its way soon. Love the Green Skies covers - very weird! Just my lane! Let you know whem the package goes. TTFN

    1. Ben,
      Is it possible for you to contact me as I think I have some thing that belongs to you an I think you might be quite surprised when you fine out what it is.... many thanks

  2. What about the guy saved all your artwork? You REALLY need to get an email because people think I'm blocking them contacting you! No one wants to go to the PO or write letters these day!

  3. Seriously. Three times last year I was accused of stopping people contacting you despite giving out the ICN address -apparently, another sign I was blocking you!

  4. I hope I can return some artwork to it original owner... hint hint Ben

  5. Hang in there I'm sure he'll respond once he gets a chance to check in to CBO!

  6. I think there is a lot going on with Ben's business in Japan and he works late hours so he comes over to CBO before going home on occasions but please bear in mind that I do archive Ben's old work for when he gets back to the UK at some point. He only has a business email so even I cannot contact him quickly. You did a great job in spotting the artwork and nabbing 15 envelopes of it! It may be that Ben will want me to store anything as posting that much to Japan would cost a fortune. If he does want me to store it I can pay for the postage to Bristol which is closer and less expensive than Osaka, Japan! Thanks again for saving the art.
