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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 18 January 2021

Do Not Give Up

 Without triggering any of the idiots out there and their opinions on cinema, I think that the Russian movie Guardians showed that you can do Russian super heroes -I ought to point out that I was publishing "Soviet" super heroes (Red Star Squadron)back in the early 1980s and that got a lot of nonsensical criticism (including that I was "obviously" a Communist!!).

At the same time I also published Chinese super heroes. (The Phoenix Team) -in fact both teams met up and did not fight each other but cooperated on taking down the Salamander and his attempt to start a PRC -USSR war.

Those characters have continued to appear, despite political changes, etc., since that time. 

It was not really anything deliberate, there was no "plan" -I grew up in a multicultural area of Bristol and so characters reflected this. I had stories set in other countrioes and so African, Indian, European and other nationalities popped up and according to the late Gil Page (former Managing Editor of Fleetway, IPC) what I produce were "multicultural comics -the sort ofthing we ought to be doing but the money isn't there!" Hey, that means I was "woke" before any of you lot!! (probably because I was working in comics before most of 'em were born).

But the point is, where ever you are, do not let anyone tell you that you cannot produce a super hero comic based in your country.

Look at what is available for story telling -locations, myths, legends and if you produce good comics "they shall appear and buy them" (I'm still waiting!).

Do not give up.

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