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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Title updates

 With a rapidly dying A3 Mustek scanner I managed to scan issues 2 and 3 of Dene Vernon: The A-Z Files this afternoon. So that means (it IS Tuesday?) both may appear on the store front by Friday of this week. 

Below; reading through Dene Vernon no. 1 -currently available on the store front (yes, I took the photo at 02:23 hrs -problem?)

Below are the unedited covers to Vernon 2 and 3 (it's a 3 issue series.

The non fiction Eupora, Mississippi case file should also be out this week.

As regulars will know, the covers to The Green Skies 1-3 are complete which means the project is also completed but will not be published until the final strip is added to Black Tower Super Heroes no. 8. I hope -hope- to have that drawn by the end of next week.

After that, depending on whether the scanner and computer keep working and my illness lets me I'll be looking at the Green Skies aftermath and D-Gruppe (some of the team vanished during the Return of the Gods storyline)

So keep checking back!


  1. Thanks for putting out Dene Vernon. Package off yesterday. Back to work! TTFN

  2. It's nice and peaceful at that time of the morning. Welcome to the planet of the nyctophiles and our oft-repeated mantra - We exist in planetary twilight! Out of the sun, out of the sun!
