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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Books To Be Withdrawn

  I am going to be withdrawing all of the UFO and world mystery books unless I get some sense out of this. I just sold £70.00 worth of books.

I just checked my sales and I know Lulu and the printer takes a cut but what I am seeing makes keeping my books on sale pointless.

I sold two copies of Beyond UFO Contact @£20 each (£40.00) -I make £4.02??

Encounters with Extraterrestrial Entities? I sold one at £20 but get £0.96

Two copies of the AOP Journal @£5.00 I make £1.90.

So from £70.00 worth of sales I get £6.92??

I'm basically giving away the books!

I've been ripped off enough in the past and 2021 is when it stops but I have to "honour" the sales first.

Oh, trying to contact I found that they had blocked me on Twitter after I was very polite in taking them to task for major problems THEY created. What a company.

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