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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 25 January 2021

Cinebook the 9th Art: MERMAID PROJECT 5 - EPISODE 5


Authors: Leo & Corine Jamar; illustrated by Fred Simon

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: September 2020

Romane and Brahim have reached Algapower’s artificial island, with the help of some cetaceans with a quite extraordinary behaviour. All they need to do now is sneak into the laboratories, locate Romane’s kidnapped niece, and find a way to escape with her before the corporation’s mad scientists transplant a dolphin’s tail onto her. 

Not an easy task, especially as Algapower’s found some ruthless allies. 

But the two agents, too, have some rather unexpected allies – and a revolution is coming...

The series had to end at some point and this seems to be it. Nicely rounding up all the loose ends and giving us a little "romance" at the end 😁

I will be honest and say that volume 1 of this run had me wondering whether it was going to be good or bad. I tend to read new books 3-4 times before deciding and with this one I thought "We'll see". It really was good and if you want to treat yourself por a comic loving friend -it is only 5 volumes!

As with most publishers I always suggest that if you are going to buy order direct from the company so they do get some real money back rather than the few pennies Amazon or other services throw back.

Hey -it has an unlikely pairing and great story and action as well as great art and that is what all comickers deserve.

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