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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 29 January 2021

Cinebook the 9th Art: AUTHORISED HAPPINESS 2



Authors: Jean Van Hamme & Griffo

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: September 2020

ISBN: 9781849184489

£8.99 INC.VAT


A single card to access all the details of a man’s life – personal data, medical history, bank details – now that would make everything simpler, wouldn’t it? But what if the card stops working – would the person still exist within society? And in a world where births are regulated, how can children born illegally survive in said society if it doesn’t even recognise they exist and won’t let them have access to anything?

I like Ben Dilworth's take on family planning in The Dark Night Detectives but interesting take on it here. I have to admit that with everything going on at the moment reading three tales of a bleak, grim future was like sitting on a 15 cms nail (point up). There is nothing wrong with the art or stories but I don't thinbk I'm the only one wants more colour and fun at the moment.

Give me a cloud with a silver lining that looks like white gold.

And, yes, I know there are people out there who lap these sort of stories up so for them this will be a nice little treat. 

1 comment:

  1. yeah. I agree. I'm going for comedy next. Coming soon.
