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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 15 August 2021

Cinebook the 9th Art: The Bluecoats 14: The Dirty Five


Authors: Lambil & Cauvin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

ISBN: 9781800440043

After a series of bloody battles, the 22nd Cavalry is once again depleted. Sent on a recruiting drive, Chesterfield meets only failure – between the reputation of their unit and Blutch’s constant sabotage efforts, finding volunteers is almost impossible. 

Until fate brings them to a penitentiary where some very unsavoury characters are about to hang. Offered a choice, the criminals will pick the uniform over the noose, but can they be controlled?

I've written this many times before; the cartoony art is very nice, colourful but if you take all the gags out of the story then you are dealing with serious situations. Battles, skirmishes and now recruiting the "dirty five" to fight for the Union.

Don't get me wrong I have loved this series since reading a German version "The Bluebellies" many years ago and I think the story and the gags work well together because it may seem light hearted but there is always the risk of a characters death. Too "heavy"? Okay -it's a fun book and if you haven't read one yet...why not? All stories are self contained so follow that link above!

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