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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Cinebook Ltd: Newsletter 164 - August 2021

Dear Reader,

Let’s all welcome back an old … uh … young friend this month: Cedric! The young boy returns with more school and domestic life shenanigans than you can shake a stick at, with the usual supporting cast of cantankerous grandfather, I-won’t-put-up-with-your-nonsense almost-girlfriend, hapless parents and put-upon schoolmistress – among others. It’s funny, it’s light-hearted, it’s heart-warming, and it even touches on some deeper, more serious issues … but always with class.

Then we have a special treat: both volumes of new two-part story Miss Endicott. In 19th century London, there is one person who cares for the poor and the downtrodden, who arbitrates their conflicts and solves their problems when the authorities couldn’t be bothered: the Conciliator. And young Prudence Endicott just inherited the job after her mother passed away. Does she have what it takes? Can she reconcile that life with her day job as a nanny? And what exactly IS going on in London these days – or more precisely, underneath it?

July with Cinebook: reading for children … of all ages!

Cedric 7
Laudec & Cauvin
Isn’t It Past Your Bedtime?

Childhood is a time to learn about life. We discover love, but also such things as disease and death. We learn to share and be generous, but we also learn about the dangers of excesses, greed and gluttony. In other words, every day is a new adventure ... Read more

Miss Endicott Part 1
Fourquemin & Derrien

After many years abroad, Prudence Endicott is back in England to bury her mother. Hired as a nanny by a wealthy London family, the young woman immediately begins to spend her nights in the more working-class neighbourhoods … For Miss Endicott is now the new Conciliator ... Read more

Miss Endicott Part 2
Fourquemin & Derrien

Miss Endicott’s life as a Conciliator is off to a bad start: a strange plot is being hatched in the tunnels beneath London, her headquarters have been torched, the child whose nanny she is by day has disappeared while following her at night ... Read more

Lucky Luke 80
The Alibi

Swan Song Part 1

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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