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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 15 August 2021



Author: Vehlmann & Yoann

Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages

ISBN: 9781800440227

Over time, Zorglub has become a friend of Champignac, and is no longer the enemy of old. Yet when he comes to see the Count one morning, he uses his deadly Zorglwave on him – the infamous brain-scrambling ray. 

Two weeks later, Spirou and Fantasio receive a call for help from their old friend: apparently, there are monsters in Champignac! And when our two fearless adventurers reach the outskirts of the village, they are stopped by an Army blockade …

Humorous sci fi-horror? Why not! The art is as it always was; good humour style but with a great deal more in the way of detail than you might expect. The use of colour in these European books is something people who want to be artists could learn from -particularly some American artsists.

The final page -ALWAYS the final page?!- offers up a glimpse of something that "could be". Will it be though? And that is the "it" because I got so confused just now that I have no idea what I am writing. Nothing new there.

Spirou and Fantasio is one of those fun adventure titles perfect for -wait for it (again?)- kids of all ages. I would write 11 out of 10 for this book but that tends to annoy people so....12 out of 10

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