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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 29 August 2021

UK Border Force Can Open Your PRIVATE Mail It Seems Without Hinderance

 Thank you Mr Dilworth. Post received.

I think that the sign of a Big Brother government is whenit allows private citizens mail to be opened.
According to the UK Border Force:
"Who we are. Border Force is a law enforcement command within the Home Office. Border Force secures the border and promotes national prosperity by facilitating the legitimate movement of individuals and goods, whilst preventing those that would cause harm from entering the UK."
Where exactly does that mentioning opening the private mail of a UK citizens who has no criminal record and is not active in any area under UK Border Force guidelines?
This is the thiord private piece of mail from my friend opened and resealed by Border Force making it privvy to PRIVATE information and details of someone's life or current problems.
It looks like Big Briother sneaked in and guess what? There is absolutely nothing you can do about it and my useless Labour MP...its for our protection.


  1. Glad you got it and... hmm... welcome to my world.. comment in letter later. Ben.

  2. I'm increasingly bemused and bewildered at how some human minds are so prepared to tie both themselves, and everyone else they meet, into a pile of useless knots, that would perplex Harry Houdini as to the purpose of, and then attempt to rationalize it. Human intelligence. Wow! Talk about a contradiction in terms.
