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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 6 August 2021


Authors: Vincent Brugeas; illustrated by Thomas Legrain
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages

 ISBN: 9781849185943

£9.99 INC. VAT

Despite the heroic efforts of L Detachment, the unit’s victories haven’t managed to stop the advance of the German war machine. Soon, Rommel is at the gates of Egypt, and losses mount among David Stirling and Paddy Mayne’s men – some crueller than others. 

In the end, they will have to reinvent themselves and give everything to push back the Desert Fox and earn their name at last: The Special Air Service!

If you like war comics then this ought to please you. To many the SAS are men dressed in black who jump into buildings and fire off a "mag" into a terrorist. That computer gaming image doesn't do much for a realistic image.

Until they were given the Special Air service title these were "Desert Raiders" or commandos. And it took some guts to volunteer to train and become a commando because unless you had a clean getaway your future was not very bright. The Commando Order (German: Kommandobefehl) was issued by the OKW, the High Command of the German armed forces, on the 18th October, 1942; it stated that all Allied commandos encountered in Europe and Africa should be killed immediately without trial, even if in proper uniforms or if they attempted to surrender. Of course, that meant very few commandos were going to surrender if they had a 'choice'. 

So what happened to Sterling after what is depicted in the last few pages of this book? I could tell you but look it up...after reading this book! Great artwork, great colour work and a story to keep you going for a while!

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