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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 6 August 2021

Cinebook the 9th Art: BUCK DANNY 12 - OPERATION VEKTOR

Authors: Frédéric Zumbiehl; illustrated by Gil Formosa

Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages:  48 colour pages

£7.99 incl VAT
ISBN: 9781800440067

Lady X, Buck’s nemesis, has given all three pilots the slip. Unfortunately, she’s also managed to pick up a Russian defector who’s not only shot Natalya, the beautiful scientist buck appears to have fallen for, but also carries with him a sample of an incredibly deadly virus. 

With the assistance of the French Navy, the three American aces will have to track down their old enemy through one of the least hospitable parts of the world …

This book was at the centre of the pile sent me and when I got to it and looked at that cover my first reaction was: "WOW. Now THAT is a cover!" The art is always spot on and the amount of detail in the ships, aircraft and uniforms is meticulous. The colour work of Isabelle Drouaillet-Formosa is exquisite.. 

I sat back and read through this and then....the last two pages! WHY is it always the last two pages?! What happens in those last two pages you ask. Buy the book and see whether Buck Danny is better than Dan Cooper -did you just ask who Dan Cooper is?!!!! Next you'll be asking who is better -Lady X or the Black Widow!

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