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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Cinebook The 9th Art: Kenya 1: Apparitions

Kenya 1 - Apparitions

Authors: LEO & Rodolphe
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: October 2014
ISBN: 9781849182201
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Kenya, 1947. A hunting expedition led by American writer John Remington makes a startling encounter, and then vanishes without a trace.

Shortly afterwards, Katherine Austin, agent of the British Secret Intelligence Service, arrives in Mombasa. Her mission: investigate a series of mysterious sightings and incidents, of which the disappearance of the Remington party could be the latest. Undercover as a teacher, courted by colleagues who may be working for competing secret services, she’s about to enter a whole new reality…

 I did a preview of this book last year and I couldn't wait for the book.  It never arrived.  Yes I cried.  Another Post Office loss but now Cinebook have been kind enough to send the book again (I love 'em).

I am, as people should know by now, a big fan of LEO  and this collaboration with Rodolphe (who has written 150 plus graphic novels!) is spot on.  Plotting, dialogue -everything spot on. I love this....including the British agent with rather dubious tastes in reading material!

Things look like this might turn into a very good series indeed -and Scarlet Smulkowski's olour work just enhances the whole book.

A winner1

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