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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 7 February 2015

Green Skies....A Few Teasers

I've already given a couple of people teasers on The Green Skies so here are some for CBOers.  The book itself I have decided will be finished by August 2015.

 I make no extra comments.

The final battle of the Reality Check Controllers.

The genocidal bombing of Mars' underground cities.

Heroes die in space.

A huge alien space fleet out to destroy save the universe.

The Black Tower Earth isolated by multi-versal order.

A young man save the universe?

The rise of the evil Vampirons on Earth.

The "Clone Zone Boys"....not living.  Not dead. NOT zombies.

Heroes die.

That's just a few little snippets from a book already over 300 pages in length.  This is the final part of the Invasion Earth trilogy and the last major book I'll be doing.  And guess what?  I don't even know whether Mankind survives....yet.

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