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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 February 2015

PDF Converters -WHY Has No One Designed A Free One Yet??

There is one major question I have to ask...There have been pdf converter programs for a long time.  Get your files into one document and convert to pdf.  Everyone in publishing needs it.

At the moment you have a couple choices:

Adobe Acrobat which will cost you monthly (and option) £17.15 for on year that is a total of £205.80.  Or you can pay for a year (you DO NOT get to keep using it after that it just stops) £102.40.

That is a lot of money and either way Adobe knows it has you by the balls.

Nitro pdf: that is going to cost you £112.99 per year. So "the simpler alternative" is more expensive than Adobe.

WHY has no one out there created a free pdf converter program?  The know-how is out there and one person could revolutionise the publishing industry.  Okay, not offering the support of Adobe or Nitro (which is not that great) but when all you want to do is turn scanned pages into a pdf document all you want is something that works.  It gets your name out there and, if you've business sense, you can build your own business from that one free, basic program.

Not just that but you get to be the hero of small publishers everywhere!

On a ....."lighter" note I have been chasing after my Print On Demand company (deeeep breath)  You see, every time I publish a new book I buy a copy and THAT is supposed to mean I get to approve each book for listing on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and so on.  Never ever happened so I'm now going to see if I get the "lulu run-around" again. 

 It's now easy having a Saviour Ego you know......

Still awaiting some books to review which should have been here by now.

Again, a couple of people who have NEVER mentioned MY books or MY projects are asking me to promote theirs and like their various pages.

N o this is not a one-way deal.  I have books and work out there.  You never mention me then I am not going to keep promoting you -pay me £100 for the year and I will on CBO.  Otherwise rethink how you do things because you are not the only people who need to make a living!

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