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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 24 August 2014

Jenna Louise Coleman To Leave Dr Who? Smoke and Mirrors, Roy. Smoke and Mirrors

Peter Capaldi has dismissed rumours that Jenna-Louise Coleman is leaving Doctor Who, though warned that he wasn't even sure if she would make Christmas. Speculation suggests Coleman is leaving the sci-fi BBC drama, though Capaldi - the new Doctor - poured cold water on the story during an appearance on the One Show.

Peter CapaldiPeter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman on 'Doctor Who'

"I'm not looking for a new assistant," he told Matt Baker and Alex Jones, "I don't know where these rumours have started. I've read she may be leaving at Christmas, but I don't even know if she'll get to Christmas, you'll have to watch it and see what happens."

Capaldi praised his co-star - who plays assistant Clara Oswald - saying, "She's been called upon to do things that I don't think any other companion has had to do, to show a kind of emotional range and I think she's done it absolutely brilliantly."

More: so, what did Peter Capaldi do before 'Doctor Who'?

Previous, Coleman has remained coy on the speculation, telling This Morning, "The truth is, I don't want to tell you the truth," Coleman said.

"I quite like these rumours. People don't have any idea [if I'm staying or going]. I think people can watch the show, not knowing whether I am [going] or not, and I think that's exciting."

More: Doctor Who takes over central London
If anyone knew of Coleman's intention to leave the show,, it would be Capaldi. The Scottish actor and his sidekick have been touring the globe in recent weeks promoting the new series of Doctor Who. They finished their jaunt in Rio de Janeiro last week. Now that the promotion is over, the show begins for real on Saturday night (August 24, 2014) with an episode entitled 'Deep Breath'. It airs in the UK at 7.50pm, though US viewers can catch up on BBC America.

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