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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 17 August 2014

Black Tower Comics Sunday Presents...

 Krakos -"Mirror Man"

Prepare to weep as you gave upon the supranatural dimension bending mystical pen-manship of one of the most ignored and under-rated British artists ever -BEN R. DILWORTH!

This is how black and white comics should be drawn -by hand and not using a computer.  "Old school" is what dullards call it but those in the know call it "Skill"!

Pencilling, inking and lettering your own comics with no computer.  There are a few of those folk around -Ben Dilworth, Paul Ashley Brown and myself (I cheat by using computer to letter).

So weep and read but above all else....



  1. Thanks again, Terry, for putting up some of my stuff - it looks good, I have to admit - I hadn't seen it for a while, it was in one of my 'lost' folders, so it's nice to see it exists somewhere. I did this in 2011 if I'm not mistaken... since then I've neglected ol' Krakos... I'll have to do something about that, soon....

  2. Hmm. A second letter placed in package to get sent to you tomorrow. Explains a lot so.....
