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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 7 August 2014

Howard The Duck...A Movie

Remember a while back I noted an Howard The Duck storyboard had been seen by someone?  I speculated on a new movie featuring the character.

Laugh at me did you?

Google "Howard The Duck" movie and you'll see others have NOW picked up on that.

AND I note that a few people are now picking up on the possible Ruffalo Hulk movie.  Yeah, old news if you read CBO.


 Anyway, some of these articles may contain spoilers. Be warned.


  1. You are Nostradamus... people should pay more attention. .....Terry..... do you think the Ruffalo HULK movie will be any better than the two previous efforts ? as I've had a lot of 'rest' time, I've been watching a few DVD's.... poor me....

  2. When they said ANOTHER actor was to play Banner I thought "more crap" BUT in Avengers Assemble he is FAR better than Norton or Bana. Bana is one of those deeply serious actors and I had hoped...ah, but Ang Lee was trying to make a very Chinese movie epic and no Hulk until 1hr 35m in? Then it just got plain silly and ridiculous. Even Jennifer Connelly couldn't make me watch it a second time. It was baaad. Norton is another of those "dedicated" actors and I did enjoy that movie more BUT the feckin insipid Liv Tyler with her whiny pitched voice and "look at me I'm acting emotional and teary again" FECKED me off. She spoilt it. He was a breath of fresh air and (curses) very likable. I think he made a great Banner and I think there HAS to be a Hulk movie because the merchandise alone will make it worth it!!!
