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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 12 August 2014

If You Have NO Memories Of An Event Does That Mean You Had A VERY Good Time or A VERY Bad Time?

Well, still delving into these boxes (last one now) and no money. Typical.  However, I did find one more Ben Dilworth A3 cartoon from 1989 (no caption though I do roughly recall what it was) and some art from other folk.

Letters...oh yes.  Seriously, there are some 'nice' people in comics who are what they call "names" that I could totally destroy by just publishing one of the signed letters they sent me. You learn a lot as a Rat Packer.

But, I also found the following event guide/poster for the 2003 London Expo. I checked my Day Book and it reads "London".  However, I do not have a single memory of this other than being sickened at the behaviour of sycophants arse-licking D.C. Thomson editors.

So, I can claim no other fond memories.

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