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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Marvel Comics MAJOR Event For 2015 Announced

Taken from

Well, it seems that 2015 will see Marvel Comics major event wiping out EVERY mutant in the Marvel Universe!

Mutants:The Extinction Event sees Professor X return from the dead, or rather a Prof X from a parallel universe.  Why? Well, The Illuminati (Iron Man, Sub-Mariner, Banner, Mr Fantastic, the Beast, Dr Strange, Panther, Black Bolt) know that the multi-verse is dying and things reach a major point next May.

Prof X was one of the Illuminati til his death.  So, a Prof X from a parallel Earth who was an Illuminati took his own steps. Using some of the most powerful mutants from several parallel Earths, Prof X has created a pocket universe which will be unaffected by all the change. It is his wish to pull all down-trodden mutants to his New Earth.

Will the mutants in the Marvel Universe follow to a mutant only paradise?

Tom Brevoort says: "After this there will be a vacuum left in the Marvel Universe.  There are no more Homo Superior so what fills the vacuum left behind?"

Hint and spoiler: The Unhumans have two series launched in July 2015 both written by Bendis.

Posting delayed from 1st April 2014

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