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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Metz - "Judderman"

Just in case you think I've done a deal with Metz, the comic book creators drink of choice snicker I did think I'd posted the link of the advert and documentary.  This ad was taken off UK TV because some idiots complained that it was "scary" and even in one complaint I read, "Horrific. This has no place on TV!"


I think it's quite cool and reminded me of German TV in the old days.  Hang on, ahh. Here's an article from 2002 that explains it all to those who do not know. A great inspiration for D-Gruppe (a Black Tower comic!). 

1 comment:

  1. What was wrong with that ? Pulled off UK TV ? What ?? I enjoyed this ad a whole lot. It was thoughtfully produced and had a lot of nods to different scary stories - wonderful. I loved the Judderman controlling the woodcutter in the final scene - a warning against excessive alcohol use if ever I've seen one. Two thumbs up here.
