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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 1 August 2014

San Diego Comic Con 2014 (SDCC) - Cosplay Music Video‏


  1. It's a fun video, but it does make me think two things 1) movies have taken over comics. Pretty much all of the material used to inspire these images are the movie versions of the characters ( though I did like the half Superman half Batman guy very much ) 2) Cosplay has replaced comics as the key element to the convention. What do I mean ? The movie 'glitz' and the cosplay 'buzz' are very important to advertize the conventions and get new people involved and interested in comics, also, it's a good counter balance to the geek in an anorak image that has plagued comics for decades ... but... there comes a point where the comics are no longer the key ingredient to the comic-con. The reason why people come.Other elements have superseded them. And I feel, from seeing this video, that it has happened. The San Diego Comic-Con is a movie advertisement space and a cosplay venue. Comics ? Gedaudaheeya, ya bum.

  2. Yeah, but here's one for you: how many of the cos-players were men? Most were women in revealing outfits. This is what fans like to see. You see this splashed all over comic covers and many of the female characters are in what used to be called "Soft porno poses". And people wonder why the little perverts at conventions try up-skirt photo-ing or physical molestation of female cos-players? And the organisers turn a blind eye to it "cuz them hot bitches bring in the boys"! At least at Small Press events you do not get cos-playing....I just wish there were more comic folk at them!!

  3. Now there's a question; what does 'comic folk' actually mean when you consider the sheer size and varitey of theme, style and content there is in comics. I, too, really wish there were more comic folks at comic conventions - creators. Now, I see cos-play as part of the creation of stories - not, as is the norm, a re-representation of existing characters. Why don't cos-players create their own, unique, characters ? oops Got to go
