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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 10 August 2014

The Depressing Fun Of Drawing A Comic...or, To Be Precise, A Graphic Novel.

238 rough unlettered pages for The Green Skies drawn up to today.

Just to annoy those who are not interested....I'm guessing final page count could be 400.

Whereas Return Of The Gods: Twilight Of The Super Heroes might be seen as a more super hero based book (hah!) The Green Skies will be more Greek Tragedy.  I've said "goodbye" to some of my oldest and most loved characters that go back to when I was drawing as a schoolboy.  Very depressing for me but, I hope, good fun and read for anyone buying it.

I just have to finish the art (yesterdays rough image I posted has now been re-drawn!) and'll all be over by Christmas.  I promise.


  1. Nice blog background design. A darker, more sombre colour that before... hmmm... Greek tragedy....? why not post a few pages every now and then as you're doing the Green Skies project, Terry ? Might be good advertising... and a nice teaser. Just a few pages from the 400, with no spoilers...
    Oh. Your package arrive, undamaged, this morning. I haven't had time to open it yet - but I will, and I'll get back to you. Got to crack on. See ya.

  2. I used to at one point emphasising that it was rough and NOT finished art. Certain people took those pages and posted them around with comments like:"This is his professional work? It looks awful" or, in the case of a previously mentioned little bastid who had no idea I was on the same comic forum: "He's just an enthusiastic amateur, you can't expect much from his work" so, no, I don't do that.
