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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 8 August 2014

The Thinker. The Joy Of Meditation.


  1. Nice colour work on the 3 Thinkers - I think they look more psychaedelic than I imagined them ! Nice job. I'm doing a colour Thinker right now - but the wash water colours I'm useing are not a patch on this PC spray paint style. Cool.Thanks.

  2. I thought you might appreciate it. Mike did a nice colour job. Water colours...DO NOT believe that crap! I tried using them in a pool a few years back -total wash-out. See what I did there?

  3. Did I just see.... a pun ? OK....."I tried water colours a few days ago - all I got was a blue tongue and no hang over ! Total wash out...."
    Meh. Yours is better... but mine is true .....

  4. A pun? I don't make puns. I issue forth banter of great wit.
