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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Trending Now....

I like to think of Yahoo! news and the internet as the sleeze gutter full of crap that over-flowed.

I learned that "Depression is a Real illness".....well, okay, I've only been a manic depressive (bi-polar is the hip name, darlings) since I was 11 years old and I'm only 57 now but no one ever told me it was real before!!

But, Robin Williams' death was the number one trending story on Yahoo! until.......

Jessica Simpson 'proud' to flaunt weight loss in new bikini picture!!!

Yeah, "T&A" over some dead comedian, right?

Mind you, for people who REALLY do need psychiatric help, Yahoo! does have a lot of videos of animals being killed or attacked by other animals.  That's fun to watch over breakfast -let the kids chuckle to the young gazelle that leaps...right into a crocodiles mouth.  How we laugh.


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