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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 8 August 2014

Valiant They Were....Until They Got Cancelled.

Now, back in 1998, Valiant They Were was to be a fanzine with a comic strip featuring all the old IPC/Fleetway characters.  Approved by both companies.

Issue 1 was printed but then I got a call from the printer that he could print no more because of copyright infringement.  WHAT?

IPC and Egmont had been kept informed from day one, they had seen the strip-work and mock-up issues and even got pre-printing copies and no problems.  So WHY was there a problem now, after I had spent money getting copies printed (I only ever got the roughs as the printer destroyed all the printed copies fearing a legal suit!).

It seems that a slimy, toady little person somewhere in middle England, had told IPCs Intellectual Properties (copyright) department that I was using old copyrighted strips without permission.  No one had thought to check with the very top of the company.  So, 112 pages lie gathering dust.

I was told by IPC and its THEN owners that they were in no legal position to issue a desist order since copyright (as we know) was very questionable because of "the way things were done back then" -now the very top person at IPC says they want nothing to do with comics though they do maintain a library etc..

So why did I not go ahead then?  Because I said "**** it!" If slimy little toads seem to populate the 'industry' and had nothing better to do well screw 'em. The series may be used (its all secret -non-disclosure) but here is a chance to see the mock-issue covers except for number 3 and why not number'll need to wait to see/read.

So, slimy, Midlands toad -up yours!  (oh, and it may have been (I'm told it was) this very person who caused Paul Grist problems with IPC regarding the use of The Spider in Jack Staff).


  1. These covers look cool, Terry: the slimy Midland toad has dried up by now - the ALBION try has failed,
    so now it's time to do this again ! If there's still existing work ( not just the covers ) send it my way (mini sized scans that I can enlarge ) -there may not be enough for a series, but there should be enough to make a nice one off comic. The back story and the nostalgia alone should get it a few sales.

  2. Greasy little bastids still going and trying to cause problems. But you know mw -it might take ten, twenty or thirty years BUT I will have my revenge and enjoy it.
