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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Status that sounds REALLY important, doesn't it?

Right, I can now be officially listed as unemployed.

No work has been coming in for four months and as I cannot get (buy) a table at Small Press or Comic events (been turned down again) in the UK to sell my books and earn a living I needed to update my status.

I announced this on Face Book yesterday and here today.  Yeah, 40 years of promoting the comics industry and Small Press in the UK you might think there might be appreciation but no.  I'm too old to be seen at events apparently because "old guys" don't do comics.

My retirement seems to have gotten here early.  At times I wish I HAD moved to the US or Europe where comics and creators are appreciated.

I'd like to 'thank' all the people in comics who I helped without asking for anything over the last three decades for their diligent ignoring of my asking if they could pass the word around that I was open to work offers.

I said I'd be honest with everyone and though I hear, after yesterday's FB announcement, certain people are literally wetting themselves with joy, it's fact.

Black Tower Books online store is still there but I'm not depending on that to earn a living.  Looks like I'll get to read more books and study.


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