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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 27 August 2015

Toshiro Mifune to get a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Whoa.  This one took me by surprise. 

Toshiro Mifune as Yojimbo
Actor Toshirō Mifune (1920-1997) will be honoured with a star bearing his name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The star will be added by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce in 2016, together with new stars in the motion picture category for Quentin Tarantino, Michael Keaton, Steve Carell, Bradley Cooper, Ashley Judd and Kurt Russell.

A veteran of sixteen films directed by Akira Kurosawa as well as many other Japanese and international classics, Mifune is probably the best known Japanese actor of all time and should therefore need no introductions on this website.

The Hollywood Walk of Fame celebrates achievements in entertainment and despite its location is not only for film stars and directors. For instance, next year will also see names like LL Cool J, Cyndi Lauper, Shirley Caesar, Joseph B. “Joe” Smith, Itzhak Perlman, Adam Levine, and Bruno Mars added in the music category.

While Akira Kurosawa has not yet received his Hollywood star, Japanese actor Sessue Hayakawa (1886-1973) and the fictional monster Godzilla have previously been honoured.


  1. I saw Yojimbo on tv last week, he was very good.

  2. I've seen Hell In The Pacific but not Yojimbo yet. Maybe UK TV will get around to it at some point!
