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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 28 August 2015

There I was About To Promote A Couple Artists...

Yes, I like their work and known them a few years but part way through the post I realised something. I have repeatedly, over 25-30 years, promoted and pushed their work and posted links for them.  I double-checked and, yep, every single time I asked them to just mention a book or share a link they flat-out refused.

So, and you know who you are, there will be no post, no links and no promoting your work.  Trying to get around me don't work no more.  Everybody has been getting a free ride while I pay double fare.

In the meantime I shall be organising Europe 2015 since it seems that unless you are a student or have an "in" with the people who own exhibition venues comic events are not wanted.  Someone did ask about the old Bristol Comic Expo venue at Temple Meads Train Station.  As Mike Allwood pointed out recently: they want £2,500 PER DAY.  If I had that kind of money....!

Netherlands ought to see my books first so I'll let you know when that happens.

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