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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 19 September 2020

A Quiet Week on CBO -But VERY Busy for Me


After my print on demand company screwed everything up again and (incidentally, say they take no responsibility for anything and the Terms and Conditions contract that bind them and in this case me...well, "as far as we are concerned we have no contract with clients"!!) I started on Tuesday to re-publish the books.

21 books. Having to make source files again because my POD deleted all the files ("Tough").  So I found I had the opportunity to update/edit some of the books and lower prices. As some of the books are a decade old the cover art is lost (it should not be but...) back then CDs were what things were put onto before the USB drives came in -I have a...LO...of CDs with art and so on. So I changed a couple covers which meant I made new ones.

I was working from around 11:00hrs to 0-2:00hrs every day. My eye sight is knackered and my hands are painful. 

But it is done. If you want to buy books from the storefront do it now because the next POD **** up it is going. Too old to restart all over again (again).

Little comic featurette for tomorrow if I'm still alive.


  1. Take care of your body, for Gods sake! Take a day. Sounds like you need it! TTFN.

  2. No no no. Rest is dangerous! I finished all the work by 20:30 hrs yesterday and the rest of the evening I was restless and getting depressed. Had to resort to fake ghost hunter videos on You Tube while my brain was still sorting through 3 new projects. Pity this work does not pay, though.

  3. Fake ghost hunter videos? Do tell ! Are there any other kind?

  4. No other kind. It is interesting to find new 'ghost hunters' especially ones who get something on video every single time and get messages via "ghost boxes". Usually before the emnd of one video I can see all the "tells" in body language, eyes and so on that say "F***-wit" or "Fraud"!

  5. Those things? Entertaining for about five seconds. Everything, body language, tone of voice. What was that creepy sound? Who falls for this stuff?
