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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Radio Fun Annual 1948 -George the Jolly Gee Gee

 Referenced in the Steve the Horse book.


  1. Always bet on the horse with hope.Nice to see Steve out there. Classics are always the best . Hope you get my package soon. TTFN.

  2. Nothing yet. Currently finishing the re-editing/re-publishing of 21 books and its been a nightmare,. Still, so long as you have your health. Oh....

  3. I did a little drawing of George when in infants school. Amazingly, whilst sorting through stuff prior to the move, I found an old brown envelope and was surprised to find my mother had kept my drawings and dated them. A warm-hearted gesture which didn't correlate with her constant stony attitude towards me and many other people. I sometimes think telepathy would be a good talent, then no, perhaps not.

  4. Put them on the net! We need more Steve /George/ not less! PS Parents are a mixed blessing - and telepathy... brrr... Terry, if you don't get the package in a few days, I'll go to the PO and check on it. I sent it express. Goddamned COVID 19! TTFN.

  5. Only problem with putting things on the web is that others will take them and use them and do not give a **** about giving credit. It also does not get people buying. the whole lie about the internet being THE way to go and sell was proven a lie years ago -as some retailers who went online found out.Occasional CBO cartoon on the new site might appear. I'll let you know when your package arrives but I ought to point out that NOTHING guarantees an item willbe delivered just "we lost track of it somewhere in Europe"!
