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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 11 August 2014

I Got A Phone Call....

I do get them occasionally!  Actually I got two phone calls from different BBC radio stations asking me if I'd come on air to talk about comics?

Me: "My comics -or comics in general?"

BBC: "Oh. Dandy and Beano"

Me:"WHY on Earth would you ask me -you know I'm an Independent publisher, right? Independent comics are on the rise and cover all genres!"

BBC: "Independent?  Uh, no we want to look at the Beano and Dandy because they've been going so long -you talked about it on BBC Radio Bristol...?"

Me: "Yes. I travelled across town and did twenty minutes for which I was not paid and afterwards -right at the end of the piece with the mic still on your presenter told me the three other comic people they had contacted could not make it.  And I made my views on D. C. Thomson clear..."

BBC:"Sorry, who's he? Was he the presenter?"

ME: "D. C. Thomson or Dundee Editions are the people who PUBLISH the Beano and Dandy"

BBC:"Right. I didn't know that. But could you make it to the BBC studios for a 15 minute feature?"

Me:"Will I be paid?"

BBC:"Well, no we can't pay -but you'll be on BBC radio!"

Me:"Please DO NOT call me again. Ever."

You see, over thirty years I've done a lot of TV and radio (not on comics but the "other profession") and the BBC will try this one every time.  They CANNOT pay but expect you to travel and give up a couple hours for nothing.  The BBC CAN pay and they know it but try avoiding it by giving you a 'great honour' -the last time BBC TV stiffed me for £200 after three hours filming and I blacklisted them and sent an official letter making this clear.

Let me make it clear. I hate and despise what the people at D.C. Thomson have done to comics due to incompetence and I am certainly NOT going to go on air and praise them.  WHY this interest now I have no idea and do not care.

BBC researchers and presenters DO NOT work for free -I help pay their wages with a license fee- and they can feck off if they think I'll work for them for nothing.

There. Anger flushed. Anger subsiding.


Now let's see if the lil bastid refers to this!

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