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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 11 August 2014

Look What I Found, My Pretties...

Well, electric cupboard cleared out and THREE boxes I've not seen for a loooong time are found.

So, I'm going through the (seriously) ream sized stack of scripts from the 1980s-1990s and the art by artists (strangely) who then could not be bothered because they realised drawing comics was hard work.

Suddenly: "Don't I recognise that type of card?"  Yes!  Another original Ben Dilworth cartoon from 1989 -"Development Of The Species"!

Excellent.  Then I found an A3 folded sheet of paper ----WOW!  Another 1989 Ben Dilworth -this a poster of the great Davy Francis character Cider-Man!

So, for Ben, hopefully, some good memories.  For me...needing to buy more frames!!


  1. Yep. You're right, Terry. A very wonderful ( and slightly teary ) trip down memory lane. I had completely forgotten about the Cider Man poster. I do like the Development of Species cartoon... thanks for putting these up. I used to be a pretty decent artist, didn't I ? Glad Green Skies is developing... the origins of the Universe ? ....nah...400 pages ? Closer to 600 I'd guess....
    In other news; I had a look through the package and loved the Dr. Morg notes, as well as the Dr. Morg POW story - it explains a lot about the character. Well... I'll leave it there. I'm writing a letter now that'll go off in a small package very soon - I'll let you know when it goes:oh,and a personal note: SUB ZERO needs a hug. Could you send him a 'cheer up' message ? From me it'd just seem vaccuous. Seeya. Off to hospital.

  2. Just thought I'd explain that 'teary' comment - you can't get cider in Japan..... they think 'cider' is only sweetened soda ( like lemonade ) BoooooHOooooHOOOOooBooOOOhoooOO... no wonder my super powers are waning....
    also; I'm sending this info in the letter but I thought I'd include it here, too. Lord Perish 'Blue Ribbon'. OK. Sounds like a good idea.I only have BTvol1 #53. So scans of the rest of the story ( reduced - dbl sided OK to reduce postage costs ) would be welcome. Right. Now to work. Cheers... but no cider...
    how can I go on living....?
