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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Sad Lad Pad

I know a few regulars are aware I once had a VERY brief career as a Punk Rock star with a record titled "**** You You ****!"  I was also a masked wrestler until Giant Haystacks did my knees in!  BUT how many of you recall the 1990s boom in cable TV channels such as Bravo?  Anyone recall "The Sad Lads Pad" featuring myself?  The studio being set on fire after lightning struck put an end to the series after six episodes though one vicar (WHY was he watching?) called it "An act of the Almighty!"

Low res scans but enjoy. 


  1. Absolutely wonderful. I laughed until I cried.

  2. So did the TV executive until.......

  3. This looks like the best show that ever was on tv.

  4. I'd say almost South Park before South Park! ;-)
