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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 13 August 2014

X-Men, Marvel, Disney -Mess Shmesh!

Seriously, and I want to leave Marvel and DC after this posting, its a mess.  Despite the big -"little" big- publicity by DC after SDCC it seems most fans were disappointed but stuck to DC like dog crap to a shoe (That is a metaphor. I am NOT calling comic fans dog doop, got it?)* But most seem certain that in going to SDCC they would learn and see more than they could on the internet.


Anyway, I was thinking about that posting of the Difference Between Marvel and DC and told someone DC did have black characters -even a few Hispanic. I could recall two DC black characters -Cyborg and Black Lightning.  Then I was stumped but I COULD run off a list of black Marvel characters...hmm.

Now, I've been told that Disney put a stop to a deal to buy back the X-Men film franchise.  At the same time they announce they have a script for an Inhumans movies set to be released in 2017(?).  A couple people looked around and found a news item that Marvel had bought back those rights for $1.8 Billion. They shoulda checked as that was an April Fools joke on another site.

But this is how things stand, and you can read far more over at Wikipedia:


In June 2010, Marvel Entertainment set up a television division within Marvel Studios, headed up by Jeph Loeb as Executive Vice President, under which Marvel Animation will be operated. On October 18, Disney bought the distribution rights for Marvel's The Avengers and Iron Man 3 from Paramount Pictures with Paramount's logo remaining on the films.

On August 22, 2011, at Disney's behest, the Studio dismissed most of its marketing department: Dana Precious, EVP of Worldwide Marketing; Jeffrey Stewart, VP of Worldwide Marketing and Jodi Miller, Manager of Worldwide Marketing. Disney markets Marvel's films. In April 2012, The Walt Disney Company China, Marvel Studios and DMG Entertainment announced an agreement to co-produce Iron Man 3 in China. DMG partly financed, produced in China with Marvel, and handled co-production matters. DMG also distributed the film in China in tandem with Disney.

Upon the release of The Amazing Spider-Man, Disney and Sony negotiated a two-way agreement. Disney would receive full merchandising ancillary rights to future Spider-Man films in exchange for Sony purchasing out Marvel's film participation rights.

In April 2013, Marvel Studios moved its production facilities from Manhattan Beach to the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California.

On July 2, 2013, Disney purchased the distribution rights to Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger from Paramount.

You see how much Disney is involved? Dismissing Marvel Studios marketing department...oh, right it was "at Disneys behest" -like Marvel could turn around and say no.  Disney has dug deep into the comic/movie side of Marvel and you have to be honest it is NOT Marvel any more.  I also like that Joe Quesada thought Marvel had the rights to Namor for a movie but then someone else (Feige) back-pedals furiously -a very strong rumour that this was done under Disneys, uh, "behest"!

Its a mess.  Marvel was good in its day.

*I reserve the democratic right to change that at a future date.

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