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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 16 August 2020


Authors: Frédéric Zumbiehl; illustrated by Gil Formosa
Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages:  48 colour pages
Publication: March 2020
ISBN: 9781849184991
£7.99 inc. VAT

What terrible threat lurks inside Vostok?           
Tasked with testing the new F-35 in extreme cold conditions, Buck and his wingmen are sent to Antarctica – much to Sonny’s disgust. The F-35's recurring technical problems force them to make a longer first stop than anticipated on their crossing of the continent. And while it does allow Buck to meet the lovely Natalya, a Russian scientist, it also puts them in the middle of a merciless snowstorm. That’s when they receive a mysterious SOS from Vostok Station …

Quite honestly I was expecting Rock Hudson, Patrick McGoohan or Ernest Borgine to show up....or Kurt Russel with a flame-thrower (if you are old enough you'll get the movies reference there...if not...I'm going senile).

I don't think you can find more detailed uniforms and military aircraft from light aircraft to stealth craft anywhere else than in the Buck Danny series- the Dan Cooper was quite good at that though. Even the interiors have a high ;level of detail which begs the question as to what size paper is this drawn on and how long does it take to complete a page?

Of course there is action -this is Buck Danny after all. Look at that cover. That is what we call in the biz "BUY ME!" bait. The story moves along quickly and at the end we wonder "Will Buck recover from this?" Well he bloody well better had because I've seen the cover to the next volume and who is back!!

Highly recommended -particularly for people interested in military/war comics

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