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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 26 August 2020

The Green Skies...and Image Comics

There are about 8 pages left toletter on The Green Skies. Having a PC that is falling apart, and no money to buy a new one, has pushed me into working 10 hour days to complete the project. The books (3 now instead of 4) will not bepublished until after I complete Black Tower Super Heroes No.8.

I am, in fact, two months ahead of the schedule I set myself.

Now, the rumour mill is working overtime. I am quite sure something like this happened a couple months and I posted about it on CBO.

I had someone message me and askl when the first issue of Green Skies from Image Comics would appear.

Answer: never.  I do not think that Image would have the slightest interest in the project -aren't they all colour comics?  If someone is feeding you this line let me guarantee you (because I would know) that the only company publishing Green Skies is Black Tower.

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